Opinion  Sever Plocker
Stalin's Jews
Sever Plocker
פורסם: 21.12.06, 23:35
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לכתבה זו התפרסמו 463 תגובות ב-440 דיונים
181. Get off the high horse, Mr. Plocker, and face reality
Seva Brodsky ,   Boston, MA   (25.12.06)
"I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things." Mr. Sever Plocker, trying to be a good Jew, is doing so by attempting to ride the moral high horse. I would propose the following 'Jew' test in the form of a question: Do you consider yourself a Jew? I am willing to bet that most -- if not ALL -- Jewish do-gooders would self-identify as Jews, whereas most of the evil-doers would have nothing to do with Judaism or Jewishness. The Grand Inquisitor Torquemada of Spain, known for his extra brutality towards Jews, was himself a convert from Judaism -- are we to consider him a Jew, too, just because of the accident of his most unfortunate birth? Jews were hard-driven in Russia, where I grew up. Their drive exhibited itself in their good deeds, as well as in the less noble ones. With the secularization, imposed atheism, willful and forced abandonement of Judaism and Jewish values in favor of 'internationalism' and Socialism, the secular nominal Jews, who turned to Communism as their new religion, exhibited that same vigor and drive that was so charachteristic of Russian Jews due to the opportunities presented after centuries of oppression. And often enough such manifestations were quite ugly, as those 'Jews' were trying to prove themselves as 'good' and 'loyal' citizens to their oppressive, ruthless, and godless regime. I have seen both types of Jews in my own extended family. But please, please do not call those people 'Jews' -- they were Communist Atheists, they hated Judaism and all things Jewish. When Leon Trotsky -- formerly known as Leib Davidovich Bronshtein, some of whose surviving family I happen to know -- was asked whether he was a Jew, he replied that he was an internationalist and a Marxist, but NOT a Jew. Most of our people, who did 'great things', would consider themselves as Jews, whereas most of the people of Jewish origin, who did 'amazingly despicable things', would not consider themselves Jews. Those "others [who] will always remind us of [our Jewish] origin" hate us whether we do great or despicable things, so it's best to get over it and ignore what such anti-Semites have to say about us -- we shouldn't judge ourselves by their standards. As far as I am concerned, Messrs. Chomsky, Finkelstein, Pappe & Co. are NOT Jews, but anti-Semites who sold their souls for wider recognition and acceptance by those who hate us. Despite that, they would still end up on a train to Auschwitz -- and they would be surprised about that, too. Mr. Plocker, who wrote an otherwise interesting article, was quite wrong in his ridiculous conclusions.
182. We all need each other
Dianna ,   Calgary/Alberta   (25.12.06)
It's great to talk about history with each other but maybe we should focus our energy and time into bettering our world and working towards racial peace. One world,one people, I say. LOVE.
183. You know when places like Stormfront
Caroline   (25.12.06)
are publishing your articles then you have stepped over the line YNET.
184. Religion
DMOrcutt ,   Paulsbo, Wash. USA   (25.12.06)
'Tis time to divest ourselves of organized religious creeds and adopt the Golden Rule as our guiding principle.
185. Ploker has gone completely "tsedreiter"
SR ,   NYC   (25.12.06)
First of all, the article was written from total presumption of exceptionalism of Jews, all Jews - this is a moronic approach at this day and age. The whole idea of modern Jewry and Israel is NORMALCY! And this implies the whole package, good and bad, just like everybody else. How can the author be surpsised that so may Jews worked in the GPU early on? Because they remember the pogroms and the poverty and the 3d class citizenship in the Czarist Russia., which made very enthusiastic participants in the sweeping off of the old order and its residual habits as completely as possible. Besides, as somebody already mentioned, Jews were as much victims as participants in the great purges. How many Jews can the author count in the GPU-KGB AFTER WW II? For every Kaganovich and Yagoda, there were countless thousands of Jews who perished in the purges, starting with Trotsky. Also, do names Babel, Mandelshtam, Michoels, Pasternak, mean anything to the author. Why obsess with the bad apples among us? To paraphrase Shylock, does the Jew not get drunk on power when tempted?
186. Oh, come on
Chuck Burgess ,   USA   (25.12.06)
I have to laugh out loud at all the Jewish writers to talkback who express outrage that simple historical facts are published. Look, there were many Jews who supported the Communist movement inside and outside of the USSR. They were mass murderers or the accomplices of mass murderers, period. Most Jews, of course, had nothing to do with them or their crimes. Which just proves Jews are indeed just like everybody else, most good, a few bad. So what? The world has been ever thus. Live with it.
187. Stalin's Willing Executioners
Mannstein   (26.12.06)
Finally the truth will out.
188. israel
189. Is this how you hide history?
johlin   (26.12.06)
Is this how you hide history by threatening not to advertise? I see...so when an inconvenient truth is revealed that doesn't suit your purpose, you feel that money can rewrite the pages of time that were written with the blood of the innocent. History's errors need to be known in order for it to be assessed and judged so that future generations may learn what politicians and leaders can do if left unscrutinized. Does hiding embarrassing facts with your money truly serve mankind? Don't be such a coward.
190. #186
Jonathan Levi ,   Jerusalem Israel   (26.12.06)
Funny thing chuck is that a keystone of communism is the fact that a true communist sheds off whatever religion they came from. The "Jews" who were part of the communist movement were so far removed from their religion that you or I would be truly liars if we were to portray them as Jews. Live with it Chuck. Your comment about Jews being like everybody else is alarming. Why do you have such an insecurity complex as to feel the need to say Jews are like everybody else? When do we claim to be different? If you mean we have different customs (Kosher, Jewish traditions, etc...) than by all means I see little fault in saying we're different. You for example will most likely eat a pig, I won't. So is it wrong for me to say I'm different than Chuck in the sense that I won't eat a pig? An open ended statement like the one you made doesn't quantify in what way you seem to assume we Jews feel "different". Perhaps its an assumption in your mind born out of insecurity that we Jews see ourselves as so different (again it all depends in what way). One last thing Chuck, I wouldn't be so quick to rush to tarnish Jews by libeling that we express outrage when historical facts are portrayed because we as Jews know MANY historical facts which I'm sure you would express outrage at if we were to be so willing to oblige you with.
191. Self-examination
Irene ,   USA   (26.12.06)
As a non-religious "goyish" woman, I find the Jewish deep need to periodically examine and re-examine his/her beliefs and moral dilemmas idealistic and touching. As many readers here I also grew up in Russia. I witnessed the fear many Jews were living in every day of their lives. Yes, some were weak and cooperated with the "hangmen" out of fear, while others embraced the Regime, quickly figuring out how many privileges their new positions offered. There were villains, and there were humanists. But most of the time there were human beings who were denied their fundamental rights of Fraternite', Egalite' and Liberte"..... The result was a mass emigration of the best and the brightest from my beloved Mother Russia... Let's hope that the famous Jewish "Never again" will stand true, and no Jew will ever face fear, discrimination and anti-semitism. Shalom, my Jewish friends!
192. Post #97
N.B.F. ,   Crimora, Virginia US   (26.12.06)
"i think what upsets you neo nazis is the fact that stalin fought hitler and won, and the jews are still around." Only the jew Won World War 2.
193. Great article! kudos to Plocker and Ynet.
Isaac ,   Canada   (26.12.06)
194. Great site Stalin's Jews
Theresa ,   Jacksonville, FL USA   (26.12.06)
I was impressed by the article. Why do people think that one People should be excempt from what ails the rest of us? All religions in the world promote peace and tolerance. People who act in in their religions name, yet don't have the understanding of its essense are capable of the most terrible acts.
195. Karma & the Wheel
Tina ,   Bonita Springs USA   (26.12.06)
This echos with truth. We create our own reality so all of us should accept what we throw out -will- return with increased momentum back at us ... so take heed what we give. Our ancestors have given us very clear examples of this. Now.... can we quit placing blame, calling names, taking offence/ being offended, and learn how to care about our fellow earthlings and maybe we can see so much more to our true existence. We can know with certainty that those of us who choose to 'throw rocks' will be stoned by their own choice of rock, which they threw. Threre should be no more tears for the effects of the causes. Stop the cause if we don't like the effect. Don't expect others to.... expect myself to....grow up to the heights of true liberty and freedom for All/One. All things done in the dark will be brought to the light to be tested for its value to the whole. The whole person, family, nation, earth, and universally... etc. LOL
196. The Rotting United States is a psychopath
One of the many benefits of the Bush Administration is that it demonstrates, over and over again, just how big a bunch of hypocrites Americans are. The United States has always been involved in attacking sovereign countries. Iraq is novel only in the fact that it was done out in the open, in blatant contravention of international law (rather than covert contravention of international law). Americans, in particular, the CIA and the Pentagon, have always been involved in torture. The School of the Americas is, amongst other things, a school for torture (and see also here and here). The only difference between the Bush Administration and other previous administrations, including those with Democrat Presidents, is that the Bush Administration is proud of what it is doing, and no longer attempts to hide it (plus we have photos). Americans are like the racist suburbanite who doesn't want 'those people' living in his neighborhood, but finds the Ku Klux Klan offensive. It's not the racism, its the in-your-face celebration of racism that is the problem. Similarly, its not the torture, its the pleasure that officials like Rice and Cheney seem to have in advocating it. Most Americans support the use of torture, they just don't like to be reminded of it. The lowest point in the short history of the American Empire has to be Rice going to Europe and insisting that the Americans won't put up with Europeans applying their own laws against torture (not that the United States would do such a thing, wink, wink). To show you how bad things are, read Juan Cole justifying the bombing of Iraqi civilians (and let's not fool ourselves, any aerial bombardment of Iraq is essentially the bombing of civilians, especially when the insurgents get control of the Iraqi spotters and increase the power of the insurgency by having the Americans commit more and more atrocities) on the justification, if you can believe it, that Americans need cheap oil so that poor Americans not suffer under high gas prices (a lefty version of the trickle-down theory, justifying the unjustifiable because the American poor might get some scraps out of it!), and Juan Cole whitewashing the white phosphorus scandal on the grounds, if you can believe it, that the American soldiers would not do such a thing (!). Cole, who is really just a warblogger with an IQ over 100, called people who disagreed with his writings the 'looney left' (although he has since backed down). And Cole is an American liberal! The conservatives have the same views, but don't bother with the contorted justifications. Here's a quiz: what's the difference between these three sentences: 1. I had to shoot the bank guard because I needed the money for drugs. 2. I had to defraud the shareholders because I needed the money to maintain my expensive lifestyle. 3. I had to attack a sovereign country that posed no threat to me, and use chemical weapons and bombs on civilians, because I needed the oil. Answer: It's a trick question. There is no difference. All are the statements of psychopaths who literally see no concern in harming others as long as their gratifications are met. The United States, as a country, is a psychopath, and has been since the end of the Second World War. You can see the psychopathic way in thinking in all the convoluted distinctions between 'torture' (which we would never do), and 'inhumane treatment' (which is just fine). Americans are preoccupied with not leaving physical marks (photos are bad too). If you can't catch me, I didn't do it. Stone-cold psycho.
197. True
Shlomo ,   NYC, USA   (27.12.06)
The truth will always make itself known, it happened, face it.
198. AK, #180
Chris ,   Warsaw, Poland   (27.12.06)
1. I really do not see how your tirade enumerating Polish sins against Jews refers to the article of Sever Plocker or to my post. Where in my most I am accusing all Jews for all crimes of the Communism? I am very sorry, but your post seems to me to be allergic reaction to anything Polish. 2. Paradoxically enough, reactions of many Jewish posters here remind me these of listeners of Radio Maryja when they heard about Jedwabne for the first time: it is impossible, this must be Jewish propaganda, Tomasz Gross is lying (exhumation works proved that there were about 350 victims, not 1600 as T.Gross wrote in his book), it could not be us, it was German inspiration, etc. Fortunately nobody came with such exotic excuses like that perpetrators (most of them were tried and sentenced already few years after the WWII) ceased to be Polish by the mere fact of committing the crime or that these who are trying to find the truth will be cursed by God. 3. Can anyone now be responsible for the crimes or wrongdoings committed by his compatriots decades ago? In a way yes, at least by trying to learn the truth and by feeling ashamed when it is necessary - just like we are proud of bright sides of our history (histories). And I think it applies equally to Poles, Germans, Russians... and, yes, to Jews too.
199. True
Christopher   (27.12.06)
The truth will prevail whether you like it or not!!!! You Devils!!!!
200. Yes
Christopher   (27.12.06)
The truth will prevail!!!! Whether you like it or not!!!!!!!!!!! The crimes that were brought against Europeans will not be forgotten!!!!!
201. The truth
Christopher ,   USA   (27.12.06)
Just because somebody criticizes Jewish people does not make them Anti-Semitic or hateful towards Jewish people. To be Anti-Semitic and be hateful toward Jewish people would be to be violent towards them, and to have a want to end their existence. What do you have to hide? To not let people criticize you, and call people Anti-Semitic just for speaking, makes Jewish people look as if they are trying to hide something. Many more European people were killed during the time of the communist regime than Jewish people during the Holocaust. Jewish people held the German soldiers responsible for the atrocities committed against the Jewish people; even though the orders came from Hitler and his ruling officers. To try to condemn people for criticizing Jewish people for wrongs done during this period, is the same as trying to condemn German soldiers during the Holocaust. How would you like it, if you as a Jewish person would condemn and criticize Europeans for the wrongs done against you, and be called Anti-European as soon as you would open your mouth? We cannot heal the wounds that are created without first coming to the truth about matters and issues. To cover things up, and try to lie about things, gets us nowhere. When a Jewish person criticizes Europeans, when Black people criticize Europeans for the wrongs done to them by Europeans, does not make them Anti-European, just because a person criticizes Jewish people does not make them anti-Semitic.
202. What about the facts?
wsjiii ,   Cordova, USA   (27.12.06)
When a person can't challenge the facts themselves, they often attack the messenger. That's all I've seen here - name-calling and ranting, but the truth of the matter is still there.
203. 1.5 billion that's a bit much
I.5 Billion Muslims hmmmm sounds a little far fetched to me, is this an accrate number or what, let's not ballon the numbers. I remind you of the Murders the Muslims are doing as I write this e-mail, you know the murders in Sudan by the Arab Muslims of centuries ago and the Blacks that are born Muslims that help commit this Genocide on their own people that they have been brain washed to think that they are Muslims because of their Arab Muslim Captor's of Centuries ago in Africa, we may say 1.5 billion Africans Murdered by Arab Muslims and Europian Christians, Africa's people have been murdered, raped, kidnaped, and swisted around by these two religions and these two people for a very long time, that we are beginning to see after all these years is that this a war waged against Africans but some time there is a break from that killing and the muslims and Christians have wars agaist each other, so lets not finger point at one another but lets see if we can stop the killing, how about saving 1.5 billion people world wide or is it a pipe dream and the killing of each other will continue whom has the real strength to stand agaist the hidden powers that keep us killing for them and their lieing cause for wealth and power over us. WAKE UP, and SAY NO to Mass GENECIDE can we you say that .
204. yes, they where borns jews, BUT what.
these men commited a HOLOCAUST against the people of Russia, and these men are of jewish decent, if there is jewish blood on anybody's hand, that race of people are the enemy of the Jews and that is truth. But if one is Jewish by birth and committed Genecide of others he's not living jewish values or Judaism, realy, is the excuse they became communist the answer, so when he stopped the killing he became jewish again with the values of judiaism and all is forgiven, it must be Great to be jewish at born and as a adult one can cause all that murder and killing and when it's all over with one can be whom one where at birth, jews are Gods choosen people, God him self must be very prowd of his people, this would explain why know other people are so blessed as the jews, God lets you kill and murder and come back as you where.
205. Stalins Jews
joshrandall ,   highland park,usa   (28.12.06)
Trotsky,Kaganovich and the countless jews who willingly,even cheerfully,and without the slightest feelings of guilt or doubt,murdered and tortured millions of people,are the Ultimate Murderers of the human race.(If they can be included IN that race) Jews bleat endlessly about "telling the story","speaking for the victims",etc but jews compound their crimes and share in the guilt as they COVER UP HIDE AND DENY THEIR CRIMES AGAINST US!
206. to christopher kiss my arse you lusifer.
avraham ,   jerusalem   (28.12.06)
the truth shell set you free. and really no one should get away with killing jews. you must remember that we are the chosen people and one day soon we will rule the world. god said that one day we will come back to the land of israel and we did. its all coming true and you must be really scared cos god said he will leave only few gentiles walking.
207. Avraham
George ,   USA   (28.12.06)
'the truth shell (nice spelling) set you free. and really no one should get away with killing jews. you must remember that we are the chosen people (satans own chosen John 8:44) and one day soon we will rule the world (with the beast of Revelation as your king). god said that one day we will come back to the land of israel and we did (in 2nd Zechariah it clearly states that the New Jerusalem will have no walled cities-how does this square with the apartheid wall and all your barbed wire and checkpoints?). its all coming true and you must be really scared cos god said he will leave only few gentiles walking (another hallucination by this psychotic moron!). avraham , jerusalem ' (12.28.06)
208. Ouch, THE TRUTH HURTS - Struck a nerve with that one
Alan ,   Jacksonville Florida   (28.12.06)
And Americans take crap for slavery. That was nothing compared to this..
209. YNET- Stalin's Jews
I have read some of the posts regarding the article. It seems most of those readers would like to deny that this ever happened. The Truth is the Truth, and you cannot escape from it. Sever Plocker had the courage to write it. And now you damn him, because it is not to your liking. Typical. Rememer also, that Karl Marx, the man behind all of the murder, was also a Jew. Or is it anti-Semetic to point that out?
210. To my friend Avraham
Christopher ,   USA   (28.12.06)
First off the seed of Abraham are the chosen people as you say. If you read John 8:31-47 you will find that many Jews that profess to be Jews are not the real Jews; but the so-called Jews Jesus talks about in the book of Revalations. Jesus said "If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham" "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham." In the Websters Dictionary the definition of Racism is "a belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others" You clearly are a racist, but yet many Jews condemn the racist acts of others. To condemn racist people, but be racist yourself is hypocrisy. Every nation should have the right to rule their own people. I would like to thank you for showing to me, who you really are.
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