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Geert Wilders: Israel fighting our war
Eldad Beck
פורסם: 30.11.10, 19:06
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לכתבה זו התפרסמו 125 תגובות ב-125 דיונים
61. Bravo Geert, you are the hope to save Europe
Eran ,   Singapore   (01.12.10)
62. I don't understand...
Jeremy ,   Michigan USA   (01.12.10)
Why it is that in 50+ responses the only responses that seem to be violent are the ones who claim to be from those who are Muslim.. I am told over and over again that Islam is a religion of peace yet time and time again there is a call to violence! Also, wether you believe in a Palestinian people or not... why is it that Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and the list goes on.. still to this day have not taken care of the Palestinians who live in their countries. There are thousands and thousands of people living in Arab countries with no rights and living in "camps".. why is this ok with the Muslim community? If you are a peaceful and wonderful religion... stop the call for violence and take care of your fellow Arabs... And don't get me started on the treatment of women in your countries!
63. Nour # 33
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (01.12.10)
It is because you and Islam are understood that you are persecuted. It's as simple as that. If Allah was as great as you believe, he would take out those who insult him and not have to have some little pipsqueak do it for him. You can insult Christians or Jews but we don't really care because our God will take care of it in his time and in whatever way he sees fit. Your post shows the world that Muslims have no tolerance for others and are begging to be persecuted.
64. #1 - you're right. The opposite of war is appeasement
William ,   Israel   (01.12.10)
and the EU has plenty of that.
65. #5 - c'mon, you're not that stupid, are you?
William ,   Israel   (01.12.10)
1) Why criticize the horrible stuff in the Bible? It's ancient history because none of it is practiced today. Where as in Islam, the horrible stuff practiced in the 7th century is practiced today, and they justify it through these texts. In the context, liberals accept it as "part of their culture and religion" and label acceptance of their violence as "equality" and "democracy". As Geert pointed out, if he had been as critical of Jews or Catholics, there would not be riots, no burning flags or embassies, and he could certainly walk around without a full security detail. 2) Jewish and Indian women do not wear head veils. A veil is cloth that covers one's face, which in Islam is a burqa. Jewish women wear a cloth on their head, as do some Indian women. It signifies modesty and their face is not hidden. This is the issue. Plus, only married women where these cloths while Islam forces little girls to wear this. Big difference which you won't take the time to understand.
66. #35 - not entirely true regarding Apartheid SA
William ,   Israel   (01.12.10)
It seems you've just proved Geert and many other opponents of Islam correct when they state people of your ilk manipulate facts to justify your heinous crimes. One point - claiming that Israel was very close to Apartheid SA while other shunned them....trying to paint a picture of "oppressive societies love each other". In fact, Israel withdrew support for Apartheid SA over its policies long before the US and the UK did, two other major democratic nations. Second, my statement in quotes closely resembles that of the Arabs, and specifically the "Palestinians", who themselves run an oppressive, racist society and find like-minded ilk among oppressive regimes as Iran, Saddam's Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc. Democracy, as it is defined, relates to the politics and law enforcement inside the country, not outside. Therefore, while a country can be democratic with equality among its citizens, as Israel is, they are not required to open their borders to any yahoo who wants to enter the country. The US doesn't do this, UK doesn't do this, and the Netherlands don't do this. Yet, each are democratic. But being Muslim and Arab, it's easy to see you might get that definition wrong. You never really had any experience with a democratic society before.
67. #25 - Wonder what statistics were in 1999
William ,   Israel   (01.12.10)
before the failed terrorist intifada by the "Palestinians" and the vocal support and violence by Israeli Arabs, who announced their goal to destroy the State of Israel. Yeah, I wouldn't want to live next to them either. But then I guess you wouldn't want to live next to a matter what their political perspective was.
68. #15 - I don't know. Have you seen the flotilla supporters?
William ,   Israel   (01.12.10)
Galloway, the Corries, members of IHH in Turkey that welcome martyrdom...I'd say they hit the top of the list of "freaks". But they once called Galileo and Copernicus "freaks" and "blasphemers", and today they are revered for telling the truth and moving the collective human race forward. I welcome "freaks" any day if they are honest.
69. #12 - you only like "idiots" from Europe
William ,   Israel   (01.12.10)
when they show up with a suitcase of cash to pay your monthly welfare payment.
70. #33 Nour advocates assassination. YNET? Why?
Yonathan ,     (01.12.10)
I quote Nour: "This person should be taken out, because he insults Islam. NO ONE WILL INSULT ISLAM!!! " So, by the same token, what should the Jews do about the daily barrage of insults coming from PA and Gaza media? From your leaders? From your clerics? From regular PA and Gaza Arabs? And if insult of Islam is a major crime, what about actual violence against Jews? Physical violence is obviously a greater crime than a mere insult. What should be done to those Arabs Nour? Answer that Nour, if you have the guts.
71. This guy is my newest hero...
Nick Sporek ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (01.12.10)
I want a t-shirt with his name and picture on it. We should also build this guy a monument.
72. Sounds good...
Annmarie ,   USA   (01.12.10)
...but just make sure you don't decide that he's your messiah, Israel. As far as I know Geert Wilders is an atheist. He may turn around and esteem himself above the G-d and gods of his fathers. I have a feeling Geert might fit into Daniel chapter 11 somewhere, if not now then maybe in the future.
73. Thanks but no thanks Mr. Wilders. We don't need you.
Jake ,   USA   (01.12.10)
Jordan is Palestine, and we don't need extremists like Geert Wilders publicly stating the obvious.
74. I agree with you Tahl...but Salma is even
Israeli 2   (01.12.10)
more comical. She blurts out loud their own sneakiness. Is Salma really who she makes us believe that she is?
75. Voice of reason
James ,   Cambridge, MA, USA   (01.12.10)
We Jews and Muslims live in the same neighborhood: on an everyday basis we usually get along. Yehuda Halevi lived in an Islamic society and it wasn't that bad. Now we are a sovereign country again, Israel, and the world needs to get used to it, too. It's radical, political Islam that is the enemy of all civilizations.
76.  Noor&TheThe Absence Of Truth
Theo van Gogh ,   NEVER FORGET   (01.12.10)
Theo, Freedom martyrs - we will never forget your blood! It is a matter of time and nothing more. We will erect a monument in Amsterdam at the place where Theo was assassinated, to represent your ultimate sacrifice - your lives, for freedom of speech. I will open a donation account for this project and we will demand that the Dutch government erects this monument with the help and support of the good, brave people of the Dutch nation. Everyone is asking where are the Arab intellectuals? Why they are still and silent? We haven’t seen any effort from them in response to all this aggression, hatred, cruelty and mass murdering of innocent civilians? The Twin Towers london Madrid The response from Arab intellectuals is: BIG ZERO
77. sorting things out idealogy... web reader ,   Niles.IL.USA   (01.12.10)
...even when you stand smack of the truth, you may not change a or your belief...when King Mashiach comes there will be 1 Soviergn G-d until then Mr. Wilders exhibits much courage
78. #50, Learn history yourself
Tel Avivoid ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (01.12.10)
Shortly after the Muslim conquest in 638, Jews returned to Jerusalem for the first time in half a millennium. When the Crusaders came in the 11th century, who eventually turned them back? Muslims. Who returned Jews to Jerusalem after the Christians expelled them? Muslims. While the Islamic world has had its share of evil leaders and haters of Jews, it is only since the 20th century and the beginnings of Zionism that Jews and Muslims have had greater troubles than Jews and Christians.
79. I Revere the Man
Ron ,   OC, US   (01.12.10)
He is accurate, honest and a true friend of Israel. I wonder when America will wake up to the inherit danger that Islam imposes upon us
80. Wilders is a great and courageous man!
Evan ,   Israel   (01.12.10)
81. 39 Salma, palestine
the mike   (01.12.10)
TRY to achieve our goals! Yep missy, try is right. Such a shame that you haven't a hope in hell even. Keep on dreamin' Salma!
82. #51 Fully agree with you Yaniv
Daniela   (01.12.10)
83. Nour there are 22 islamic countries - jews have only one
it was given to us a long before islam was born. We were here before - what the hell you want ???? Israel belongs to the jews only, get it. You are all jordanians GO Back to Jordan, go to Lebanon, go to Syria, to Iran to Iraq, to Algiria, to Tunisia to Saudi Arabia to Yemen, to Quwait you see you have a lot of places to go. ISRAEL IS THE ONLY JEWISH STATE WE HAVE, Islam will never erase us. leave us in peace and FREE GILAD SHALIT.
84. Geert--we love you
gays4israel   (01.12.10)
such a brave man. May god protect him ! viva israel
85. #33 is a fake, obviously
Nour ,   One State   (01.12.10)
Imposter asked to get a life, or debate my points, rather than this childish smear campaign!
86. lets everyone be entitled to their criticism.
eporue ,   europe   (01.12.10)
87. Geert Wilder is a true honest man,
ghostq   (01.12.10)
he doesn't do things for votes, finally a guy who plainly speak the simple truth, more power to you, you got full support, and it is growing everyday.
88. to #20 they founded the Bosinian SS wafa devision
ghostq   (01.12.10)
so yep they helped the nazis. and that the truth, here,_Waffen-SS,_13._Gebirgs-Div._%22Handschar%22.jpg they r muslim and they r nazis. sad but true,
89. Jordan consists of 78% of "historic Palestine", and
Barb   (01.12.10)
73% of the Arabs of "Palestine". Therefore, Amman is the Palestinian capital city and Jordan is actually Palestine.
90. @20 Nour
Opinion   (01.12.10)
Islam did not exist during the Roman times. Neither did Arabic in the region either. Nabateans being a precursor people to Arabs does not in any mean they were Muslim or Arab, or that you could try to associate their "kindness" with your people and their religion. You are being an opportunist and using another groups kindness, stealing it as your own. It would be as absurd as me stating, the Caananites before they converted to judaism, created writing, hence you should be thankful to Jews, because peoples who came into the religion did something before they were that religion. Nour, brush up on history.
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