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Gingrich stands by Palestinian people remark
Associated Press
פורסם: 11.12.11, 09:23
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לכתבה זו התפרסמו 95 תגובות ב-95 דיונים
BUTSeriosly   (11.12.11)
"It will be a historic compromise to grant two states in Palestine - one for the Jews, and one for the Arabs" - Churchill. Serial 2-state demands in the same land = 100% Genocide.
2. Gingrich for President
Moshe ,   Jerusalem   (11.12.11)
At last someone is not afraid to speak the truth.
3. Refreshing to Hear The Truth
Ross ,   HENDERSON   (11.12.11)
The Speaker told it like it is. It was so good to hear a top figure tell the truth. I hope he sweeps into office. It will be a better world. We've had enough double talk and BS from the Obama Administration.
4. Good for Gingrich!
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.12.11)
Everyone with even the most rudimentary knowledge of Middle Eastern history knows that the real Palestinians are the Jews. That is a very well-documented fact. The ersatz "Palestinians" co-opted the identity, just as they have invented everything else -- their roots, their history and a whole host of other things to which they cannot lay original claim -- that would be pretty much everything.
5. He is accurate.
JJ ,   uk   (11.12.11)
He talks the truth.
6. Bibi take note. Newt has no choice but to stand by remarks.
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (11.12.11)
Like George Washington, he cannot tell a lie.
7. Netenyahu was "forced" to swallow the "pal" lie
Ralph ,   USA/Israel   (11.12.11)
Everyone who knows history knows there is no Palestinian people. They are proof of the saying: If you say a lie often and long enough people will think it's the "truth". Gingrich just has more courage than Bibi to tell the TRUTH!
8. thumbs up for Gingrich
Floridian   (11.12.11)
He got my vote !
10. He is almost right
Robert ,   Australia   (11.12.11)
Yes, he is almost right, they are an invaded people.
11. So all Palestinians and Israelis are..
Chris.B ,   Australia   (11.12.11)
realy Ottomans then. Great rational. America should return its sovereignty to the French and English.
12. Romney showed his colors
Devorah   (11.12.11)
by saying that Gingrich has made it more difficult for Israel and the "palestinians" to negotiate toward peace, meaning that Romney would be satisfied with a losing battle. Well, Gingrich either opened a door or a can of worms by telling the truth and then affirming it. And, as our beloved Noodles pointed out, Gingrich has no choice but to stand by his words now. Wish we would get a response from Bibi.
13. GinGRICH is a racist
David ,   USA   (11.12.11)
Palestinean people have been living in that land and region for thousands of years. What a stupid and absurd comment to make. I support a 2 state solution. GinGRICH is a total assss
14. BDS Reverse English
Mark ben Josef ,   USA   (11.12.11)
Gingrich is just engaging in delegitimization of the same nature as opponents of Israel, but with reverse English. Same game, different target. As Carl Levin says, offering a can of gasoline with matches to the situation.
15. Thank You for the Truth Newt !
Sam ,   Washington, USA   (11.12.11)
Thank you for speaking the truth.
16. Disgusting and vomiting personality ..
Merkava Hunter ,   Lebanon   (11.12.11)
17. LIES!!! Mainstream Israelis are not for another arab
Frank ,   Florida   (11.12.11)
state west of the Jordan river.
18. finally ! Someone important says the TRUTH !
19. So what? It's still "2 countries", imagined or not! What the
tom ,   tel aviv   (11.12.11)
heck are you getting so excited about? Er habst gesugt ...(told a truth&stayed alive). I want somebody that will go all the way and explain in plain English, that there will be no additional Arab state in our area: not "east of/west of" anything! The Arabs must look elswhere to implement their expansion-policy and they already have done that, those peace-loving critters: Western Europe. Thanks for that ,Oh the merciful One!!!
20. Gingrich
Sam M ,   UK   (11.12.11)
Of course Gingrich is correct. The historical record clearly shows that at no point in history has there ever been a 'palestinian people' apart from the Jewish people. Moreover no convincing evidence has ever been produced in support of the arab claim. But hundreds of billions of dollars in arab oil money, left wing liberal idiots, the arab/muslim world and anti-semites backed up by the world's largest pr machine continue to support this big lie. . The reason for this is very simple. Islam will never accept an infidel Jewish state in it's midst hence their rejection of the un partition plan in 1947 and subsequent peace proposals by Israel. Also on the record is the arab world's long standing and publicly stated aim to destroy Israel. Even if Israel was one tenth it's present size the arab world would still reject it's existence and the ‘palestinians would claim their land was 'stolen'.
21. The truth hurts, however I do support a two state solution.
Mike ,   Raanana   (11.12.11)
Once all terrorists are destroyed and they truly understand and accept Israel will not go away only then can we begin talking about Gaza as there country if thats what they want and if not they can always return to there beloved kingdome in Jordan. If other Arab countries refuse and wond help them why should Israel. Arabs for the last 63 years have used them to wage ware and terror on Israel. It is not Israel who maintains the standard of living in Gaza, it is the Arab world who does everthing in its power to maintain the status. If the Arab world would invest as much in these poor people as they have in terror there would be no need for all this.
22. Israel gave legitimacy to the lie
Paul ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (11.12.11)
Giving back Sinai and Lebanon, allowing Arafat to make his home on re-conquered territory, all gave legitimacy to the lie of a ancient Palestinians. Bibi falling for the 2-state solution, gave the Arabs all the legitimacy in the world, by declaring to the world that Jews are occupiers, now we have accusations of Apartheid. Gingrich is 1000% correct, but he would be fighting against too great an evil, which short-sided, weak Jews gave birth to.
23. Palestinians are the Indigenous people of the Holy Land.
Salma ,   Palestine   (11.12.11)
unlike the "Israelis" and Americans who came from another place and settled the land, then started calling themselves by a different name.
24. some truth is as popular as the athlete's foot
Yael Schlichting ,   Raubling - Germany   (11.12.11)
But still truth stays true. And we must give Newt Gingrich full credit for taking the risk of telling the truth.
25. No, the following statement was not made by Mr. Gingrich, ..
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.12.11)
... but it certainly supports his assertion: Zuheir Mohsen, a leader in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), in an inverview, March 1977, with the Dutch newspaper Trouw, said the following: "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism." "For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." It is high time some of us showed greater degree of humility before attacking Mr. Gingrich and those who are willing to look at history in its face and not through "narratives", i.e. fictional short stories designed for political expediency.
26. As an israeli myself
Yossef   (11.12.11)
I'm not anymore for a 2-states solution. I think we must annex all Judah-Shomrom and give the autonomy to arab big towns there, under the political responsibility of Jordan. The arabs who will stay in these towns will receive the jordanian citizenship. Agreements must be passed between Jordan and Israel for the roads, sewage, electricity etc. Gaza will be either independent or reunited to Egypt. The arabs living in Judah-Shomron who will not agree to be israeli will have the choice to move to another arab country. And for the arabs who want to stay in Israel they will receive the full rights given to any citizen, jewish, christian, druzim or muslim.
27. 2 seperate states
tiki ,   belgium   (11.12.11)
Absolutely! Israel & Jordan. There you have the two states. Only problem? Palies want 4 states: W-Bank, Jordan, Gaza & Israel. "Bibi agreed", It's like a person opening the safe when a gun is held to his head. "Palestinian sensitivities about their 'righteousness of their struggle". Don't make us laugh.
28. When Palestine was a Province of the Othoman Empire ...
Palestinian   (11.12.11)
there was no Hagana, Stern or Irgun gangs to form the state of israel of 1948. In fact there was no Colony states of America of 1776 either.
29. Gingrich says he has a lot in common with Netanyahu
lydia   (11.12.11)
You betcha! Another lying, slippery, sniveling individual who was fined $$$ for ethics violation. The hypocrite who was most vocal in his criticism of Clinton while he himself was caught by his neighbor in flagrante delicto and in his driveway all while his wife lay on her death bed. A man with 3 wives, 3 different religion, surely he will make Judaism his 4h has no credibility and lack morals,. Americans know what he is and the Jews knows his price.
30. He is correct; were all wasting time on the Oslo paradigm
Jordan Is ,   Palestine   (11.12.11)
The "ersatz Palestinians" can be residents, never citizens of Israel...and citizens, never residents of East Palestine- called Jordan today. Jordan was Palestine is Palestine and will be Palestine
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