Opinion  Sever Plocker
Israel's image hits nadir
Sever Plocker
פורסם: 24.01.07, 17:30
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לכתבה זו התפרסמו 54 תגובות ב-54 דיונים
31. Respect yourself and others will respect you
dina ,   new york usa   (25.01.07)
whats wrong with us jews we hate ourselves more then the world hates us, no lets help hate us give them reason, well you know what the problem is, peopl who get into power get there by telling the people what we only hope and pray for but once they are in that office its all gone, and its all about pleasing our neighbors stop trying to please others and be loved, love thy self, and dont say that Davos isnt a place for israelis and you'd be assamed to come, tell the israeli media to stop hanging our dirty langury or weaknesses to the public just to sell a headline, i live in new york, i attended columbia and i work at an investment bank downtown, I'm proud everyday and today more then ever because what the president did was just and a long time coming, and yes the only thing we deserve is the shame that we inflicted on a jewish fellow. wrong or right we are not god, but we too our human , stop hating yourself, soon there will be no self to hate
32. Stop whining. Israel is growing much faster than the region
Zvi ,   USA   (25.01.07)
But the media focuses on the negatives, and the current Israeli politicians are inept. Fix those 2 things and people's perceptions will change.
33. It's not the occupation; it's the shtetl
Vitaliy, Esq. ,   Brooklyn   (25.01.07)
Whatever people say here, it is a problem for many people... Do you think it is something to be proud of that a Jewish President "raped a woman"? (Yes, rape, because this is how it is translated into Russian and English). On top of that, there is corruption that reaches unbelievable levels - Olmert with his pens, houses, etc; Sharon with his farm, two kids, Greek island; police that comes up with charges every time that it never proves, because it is interested in TV time, instead of safety of citizenry. Altogether, this should shame all of us as Jews. We have been in many countries. Now we finally have a state. Don't we owe ourselves to have a normal state and not just an overgrown shtetl? Why can't we have normal government operating according to normal principles? Not a small oligarchical elite and protektsiya? Wasn't the point of the Zionism to break the walls of the ghetto?
34. Who cares about Davos?
Jonathan ,   Zurich   (25.01.07)
The purpose of Israel is not to make businesspeople in Davos happy!! It's about offering a secure homeland for Jews in a hostile world. That most businessmen watch the CNN propaganda doesn't surprise me. Are they informed about what's going on on the ground, no? It's just consensual Davos babble. Instead of being a defeatist, you should be proud of your country.
35. Gabriela
charles ,   petach tikva   (25.01.07)
You forget that president Katzav was a Likud candidate ? not a Kadima or left one . And for the others , show me a country where such things are not seen . Here , in our democracy , you can indict someone , even a president . And do not forget that religious are also condemned for such misdemeanour .
36. Vitaliy Brooklyn
charles ,   petach tikva   (25.01.07)
You write : now WE finally have a state . In other places you also talk of "our" state . And you live in Brooklyn ? Why should Sharon not have a farm ? two kids ? Don't you have a business ? Children ? And look on what happened in your country , the USA . Probably that in YOUR country not all the cases are treated by the same way as in MY democracy . Here they are seeing light , you can know them .
37. who cares about mr.flotzer and davos.
avraham ,   jerusalem   (25.01.07)
38. #27...your brain is occupied....
DR ,   Florida, USA   (25.01.07)
with stupid thoughts. Israel is not occupying anything. They left Gaza and got more terror. Israelis belong in Israel and Jerusalem is their capital as it always was. Learn REAL history and stop spewing anti-Israel propoganda...its very sad.
39. Rubbish
Caroline ,   London   (25.01.07)
AS if Israel is so special that something like this would give it this image!!Have you ever read the papers of other countries?of affairs,Bribery,blackmail,and yes I am talking about Europe.Stop being so unbelievably negative.The world will not stop because of Katsav.There are more important issues to worry about.Sorry -it's true
40. These are Jews without the yoke of Torah
j ,   USA   (25.01.07)
What can you expect from Jews who have thrown off the yoke of Torah and Mitzvot? Not surprisingly, the gentile nations recognize this much more than secular Jews do. The nations of the world are not asking what is happening to Israel, but what is happening to the Jews. Look, I am not naive enough to say that among religious people these scandalous and immoral acts do not occur. But, I am just as convinced that a belief in Torah can stem these yearnings and actions in individuals who would otherwise be prone to them. That is the whole point of Torah, is it not, to control our animal urges for instant sexual gratification, unearned wealth, crime etc.. Yes, religious people can do these things also, but a belief in Torah will subvert acting on these feelings. So the genitle nations of the world recognize this, but the secular Jewish nation cannot. A shame.
41. Karma - Work On It!
Howard Roarke ,   Anthem, AZ   (25.01.07)
No one blames the Protestants for being behind Hitler's party in WWII, just as no one should blame the Jews for being behind the bullying version of Zionisim that continues to be presented to the world. If you want to clean up the world's opinion of Israel, start behaving in a way that fosters kudos instead of alienation.
42. If the shoe fits
The Honorable   (25.01.07)
Wear it!
43. That world's elites have been hard at work to bring Israel's
AK   (25.01.07)
failure. They have supported the corrupt, the weak and the subversive and brought them to power. They pampered Israeli intellectual as long as they were willing to subvert Israel’s morale for a pat on a shoulder. Israeli elites dug their own grave by smearing their own country while deluding themselves that they're being open-minded and cosmopolitan. Benny Morris is just beginning to see the light but how about Oz and those ‘civil right advocates’ who slander Israel on international forums and fight for the enemy? When will they face the reality and reform? How about all those traitor’s who negotiate Israel's demise behind the backs of the Israel’s citizens from Oslo Peace to the current surrender overtures to Syria; will they ever be made to pay the price? Israelis should impeach or remove any politician that talks surrender of any territory to the enemy and imprison for treason any 'private' citizen engaged in any such ‘negotiations.' Yes, the article tells the sad truth: the world doesn’t likes the looser-Israel any better than they did when Israel was strong and winning; but now just treats Israelis with an open contempt because they have shown their weakness To change Israeli image get rid of appeasers and support Israeli patriots.
44. #4 Adina Plocker does not pool wool over anybody's head.
AK   (25.01.07)
Israel is a miracle in its creation -- a modern and beautiful state built out of sand by penniless refugees; yet, that said, at the same time Israel is showing now incompetence of both the Army and the government and is being destroyed from within, while threatened from the without –the corruption, treason, incompetence and defeatism are for all to see. I just wonder, what is it that this paper and other like it write in Hebrew; since Israelis appear oblivious – they did vote into power the corrupt, weak defeatist Kadima and Labor Parties and they didn’t take to the streets to bring down this current incompetent government, that poses the greatest threat to Israel’s existence since 1948, after it had shown total incompetence during the last summer’s war against Hezbollah.
45. Israel's image hits Nadir
Richard ,   Canada   (25.01.07)
This is what you call news! Corruption like this has been normal since the 50's. How do you think a country that has never been able to support itself without massive aid from the USA operates? It's gov't is as corrupt as the American gov't of course. When you write the laws, theft is childs play.
46. Davos
John ,   U.S.   (26.01.07)
Israel's image has suffered ever since the apartheid Wall of Shame was erected on Palestinian land. The brutal occupation of Palestine and the illegal settlements have long been seen as an attempt to steal the Palestinian's heredetary homeland. Forget the dirty politics at home, they mean nothing to the rest of the world. Stop the occupation and dismantle the settlements if you want Israel's image to come out of the pits.
47. Israel's image hits nadir.
Geeorge ,   Sunvalley, US   (26.01.07)
A small item Mr.Plocker seems to have forgotten is the Palestinian issue. The occupation and the treatment of Palestinians has contributed heavily to the negative view that the rest of the world has of Israel and its people. Get real Mr. Plocker.
48. # 9 Lazerbenabba. WELL SAID.........
Kelly   (26.01.07)
I will be brief and agree with all you said. Especially with his nomeclature:Being a proper "plonker"Absolutely! Israel will change and still achieve much.We had a recent "winner of a prize" (cannot remember for the moment) and we continue to produce more to benefit humanity which he forgot to mention.This says something about our enduring brain power.Who cares about the "Eurabians" as though they are as pure as a white driven snow. Get a life Mr.Plocker,Israel ain't dead yet...
49. Israel at a Nadir?
Stan in the USA ,   Baltimore, MD, USA   (26.01.07)
As an American, I can sympathize with the Israelis. You apparently have bad actors. What else is new? Come over to the USA and look at what we have running the executive branch of the White House. Ignorant, lying, arrogant people who are moving the mid-east from a bad scene to a catastrophe. And despite the river of blood from our soldiers, they haven't got the decency to resign.
50. to #45 Richard of Canada
charles ,   petach tikva   (26.01.07)
A country that has never been able to support itself without massive aid ...You wrote . How many aid was given to Europe after WWII ? Did you hear about the Marshall plan ? Israel has integrated millions of people fleeing their countries , or wanting to live in a country that is theirs . And Israel was also the only country on wich the USA could rely , the only democracy in the region . And also the only country surely opposed to Soviet expansion on the Mediterrannean sea shores . Regarding corruption , show me one country where this doe's not happen . Not an excuse , but you look at everything possible to denigrate Israel and the Jewish people .
51. John # 46
charles ,   petach tikva   (26.01.07)
This "apartheid wall of shame" as you call it , is only a security fence . Has saved already many Jewish lives . This security fence can be demolished without any problem when there will be peace . But an assassinated Israeli can't be made alive . You forget , or don't want to know , that Judea and Samaria was occupied by the Israeli forces , after Jordan had attacked Israel in 1967 . We had begged the late King Hussein not to attack us , we did'nt want a war with him . He did not listen , lost , and Jerusalem was liberated . Don't forget the great propositions done by Barak to Arafat in 2000 , answered by an intifada . If someone wants peace , it's the Israeli side .
52. Don't you worry, it can always get worse
daniel ,   amsterdam   (26.01.07)
I have enough faith in Israeli politicians for that.
53. Israel's image
Simon ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (28.01.07)
Israel should be very proud - through the British Council they have sent children of Israel to discuss the future of education and made it to the stage of Davos alongside the Chancellor of Great Britain. The problem with Israel is that the young are too disillusioned with politics and aren't taking control of theirs and our future. Israel has so much potential, the pioneers are in schools and university and the army and are just being ignored.. embrace our future - it is time the President and PM were younger and it is time we had a new electoral system which led to a stronger government. It is time we discussed our issues and move on from the Middle East process - as we have the solutions already - its called closing all settlements that are beyond the wall and closing the door... get a move on as there is a country to be built and to be made better and it is possible!
54. Oh no you don’t ….
rlcohen ,   JNB (ZA)   (29.01.07)
#1, you should shut up about that particular issue. Your Metzgers and Amars are a bigger disgrace to the nation BECAUSE they hide behind the cloak of observance.
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