'Something rotten in 51st battalion'
Hanan Greenberg
פורסם: 29.07.07, 22:34
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לכתבה זו התפרסמו 37 תגובות ב-37 דיונים
1. in other parts of the world
israeli   (29.07.07)
The idf has become a joke. While iran, syria, hezbollah, hamas, islamic jihad, and the rest of our enemies are training HARD and becoming increasingly motivated as well as increasing their military spending we do exactly the opposite. Its sad to say but it seems the only thing that will unite israel/the idf is a massive defeat on our side...
2. Only time a solider cant rebel is when expelling Jews
Yosef   (29.07.07)
3. SWEET DREAMS!!! (end)
joy ,   u.k.   (29.07.07)
4. Inexcusable
SL ,   New York   (29.07.07)
While the intense fatigue that would prompt a soldier to fall asleep in the midst of a dangerous operation has to be countered, any of us who have responsibility for minors can attest that ultimately is OUR responsibility to ensure that we do head counts, etc, on school outings. Those of us involved in potentially dangerous avocations know how imperative discipline is. It is imperative that whichever soldiers answered the missing soldier's name be disciplined harshly, along with the commanders. The first priority of a military unit is discipline. The lack of discipline that permeates Israeli society (starting from ministers who forcibly kiss soldiers on their way to cabinet meetings) is a clear and present danger.
5. To No. 1
Nelly ,   switzerland   (29.07.07)
While you are right about what the others are doing the fact that what happened is here is also a sign of Isrel being a democracy, something out neighbours cannot boas about as their own. And although this is a regrettable incident, it is only that, an incident. Gone and done with, fullpoint.
6. to #1; totally agree
Ethan Solal ,   Montreal, Canada   (30.07.07)
The israeli society has changed, and not in a good way. Just take a cab at the Airport and let the driver do the talking. You'll be amazed. The privileged youth of ramat aviv guimel, cesaria, savona, TA, you name it, plugged on the internet or with their ipod, mp3 players, video game, parties, etc -- or the TAL LAW (recently reconducted for 5 more years) to please and comfort Olmert coalition -- or the last week poll showing that 1 on 2 young israeli would like to live abroad -- or the whole protectia mentality -- are just few of the many signs proving that the israeli society need a major threat (call it iranian, call it hezbollah, call it hamas) to wake up. There's no doubt about it. Golani soldier falling asleep during a night mission, Golani squad abandoning an outpost in protest (What protest? What do you think, you cannot play the suffragettes out there! You're dealing with the nation security)... It has gone way too far. Soldiers should be more paied, motivated, equiped. They're the first shield of Israel, and Israel cannot aford to let them in this state of mind. It's high time for Olmert to resign.
7. post zionism---what do you expect then??
Brooke   (30.07.07)
When the leaders are corrupt and have been for a very long time---there are exemptions for certain peoplewho do not have to fight l in the IDF--what do you expect? When the soldiers see the terrorists they risked their lives for being released--and in return for NOTHING but lies---the war has lost its righteousness. When the IDF see their leaders arming their enemies with weapons that have been and will be used against them---what do you expect? When there is no more history lessons of Jewish pogroms and holocausts but Arab justifications for Jewish hatred IN ISRAELI HISTORY BOOKS!!!---why should they risk their lives?. Israel is in a serious "POST ZIONISM" ctisis and the Jew hating Jews are destroying Israel. Save yourselves Israel. Between Hashem and a true, Jewish leader let your righteousnessto you G0d given land guide you and embolden you, Be proud again and this will deter your enemies including the Left politicos and media. G-d bless Israel
8. should've tipped Hamas, they would helped u find him:)
rami, atlanta   (30.07.07)
9. Kadimah DESTROYED the IDF
Malcolm   (30.07.07)
First by turning it into their political tool, turning Jew against Jew and surrendering Gaza to the ayatollahs. And then surrendering last summer to Tehran. It's no wonder this is happening. If Israel is unable to depose Olmert and Livni the game is over for the State of Israel. These two work full time for the ayatollahs and have proved to be their best employees.
10. A certain "Baruch" from France, wrote this :
Ethan Solal ,   Montreal, Canada   (30.07.07)
I think he was right when he posted that comment: "This same unit walked off its base in March complaining of insufficient access to psychologists after the losses they suffered when they failed to capture Bint J'bail last summer. War IS hell. Disband this battalion now before the rot spreads. The IDF is Israel's last line of defense. It cannot afford weakness. Sweat saves blood." What do YOU think?
11. 51st
Rick ,   Bmore, USA   (30.07.07)
I am unfamiliar with the dispostion of forces within the Israeli army. I would say however that the company (or companies) in which these events occurred needs to be disbanded. Small numbers of these soldiers should be distributed to various other units with no other unit having to absorb more that 5 or so of these soldiers. Then the investigation should take place. Morale however may only be restored after the government is cleansed from the top down. It is incomprehensible that "religious" parties would support such a gang as those now in charge of Israel.
12. Perhaps the previous residents join Golani also
Steve ,   USA   (30.07.07)
B"H And then when they "fall asleep" they retake the land they were thrown off of. It seems an interesting way to retake the Gaza area. Just fall asleep with a happy army crowd and you virtually own the place. It would be embarassing for the IDF if one soldier stops all the rocket attacks while sleep guarding and retakes Gaza for the Jews again.
13. Funny but could be dangerous................................
Asher ,   NY, USA   (30.07.07)
14. I thought the Golani was full of "Religious Zionists"
David ,   Los Angeles   (30.07.07)
That's what the Right-Wingers on this board are always boasting about. How the Golani is filled with religious soldiers who are the "real" Zionists these days in the combat units, supposedly unlike the kibbutz soldiers who used to be the backbone of the IDF's combat battalions. Well so much for the religious soldiers...
15. In response to #6 and #1
Future1   (30.07.07)
LOL...yes Israel is a rich democracy with spoiled brats that have mp3s, discos and computer cellphones...BUT despite this, they are still the bravest SOB's on this planet. They volunteered in DROVES for last years war in Lebanon. The tactics and supplies were horrible but the individual soldier was outstanding in its morale and duty. As for Golani brigade 51. That brigade has the best shooters in the IDF. That said, they need discipline in the older 3rd year soldiers. My gut says this incident occurred from veteran 3rd year rotting scum that refuse to even clean their guns. I agree with an earlier comment that they should remove the bad seeds and start more discipline in that battallion. I hope they crack down on this fine unit and get rid of the chaff.
16. Not Surprised...But the Golani Brigade?
michael ,   usa   (30.07.07)
These incidents may well occur in other times and places and may be associated with breakdowns in the chain of command and go concern of course, is that this reflects an ongoing lack of discipline in the IDF generally and a lack of preparedness as evidenced in Lebonon last summer. It appears to someone observing from the outside that there needs to be a 180 degree change.
17. ever hear of the "buddy system"? WHY NOT USE IT???
dante ,   uk   (30.07.07)
18. Israel was victorious when it had leaders who...
dante ,   uk   (30.07.07)
leaders who believed in Israel and the mission of the State. now, the hollow men, the little men, the careerists, the fools, are ensconced in the government, the bureaucracy, the military, etc. and they cannot deliver victory. they don't believe in anything, not Israel, not the Jewish People, not their responsibilities, not victory, not anything.
19. What's going on?...
Papsen ,   Hearth   (30.07.07)
As a veteran from the 12th, I just can not believe and less accepts such behave from any IDF solder and especially from Golani. Never could that happen in my time. Never we would have done such thing. Never would we abandon any of our friends behind use. Never, even if we had to died for that. It was simply not even a question to ask our self… I can understand the wish to go back home after being inside a snake hole as Gaza is become, as Lebanon in the 80 and 90. But such behaviour has no excuse… Ever… The worse is that good officers will have to answer to that incident, and take responsibility for it while it must be one and only one who answered in the name of the missing soldier during all these headcounts on the way back home. It is fair to believe that few others knew about that too. In my opinion those guys should be dismiss from IDF in shame. Their name should be in front page from every Israeli newspaper for days… Those guys do not deserve the honour of being a Golani fighter gives… Those guys do not deserve the honour of being an IDF solder… Shame on them… Maybe IDF should make a deal with Hamas and give Hamas those bastards in exchange for Gilad.
20. Our army
Miriam ,   ISRAEL   (30.07.07)
Why is it necessary to broadcast to our enemy that our army is sloppy and second rate. The soldier who fell asleep and the soldier in charge must be disciplined. B"H he wasn't kidnapped by Hamas.
21. Fantastic!
Daniel ,   Israel   (30.07.07)
Fantastic! What a place to have sound sleep! Peaceful one! Answering for a friend in a class room is ok; but in a place like that? Amazing! Are our soldiers going to Gaza for a picnics or some thing?
22. to #15 and #16 re golani
אשר   (30.07.07)
first, golani has lot of religious soldiers, but actually the nahal have more second, golani is always full of arsim who hate authority, especially gdud 51. this happend many times with this gdud, not first time this happen. third, everyone outside israel think golani is elite unit, this not true, they have some elite teams inside golani who are very good soldier and some of the best, but most of it is a regular infantry brigade and these are the ones who got no discipline and full of arsim
23. No Discipline
OS ,   Israel   (30.07.07)
I find it most interesting that most of the talkbacks to this piece were from abroad. - So now from someone who has chosen to live in Israel, has seen the army from the inside and now has children in the army. The IDF may have good soldiers, good commanders and fight well when needed (and when not handcuffed by the govt) - but there is NO discipline - Israeli like to make a big joke about how foreign armies all march in formation - well the minute we start demanding that soldiers dress appropriately, press the uniforms, shine their shoes, keep to schedules, and salute all officers - then we can say we are demanding discipline - and discipline is what will lead to soldiers staying on guard, not messing with headcounts. etc. This is the same problem with so many other things in Israeli society - and sadly, will end up being the death of us if we don't wake and change things FAST.
24. Lack of sleep
Talula ,   Israel   (30.07.07)
The question that needs to be asked here is why did this soldier fall asleep? He must have been exhausted. Even though he is from the Golani Brigade, he is still human. Maybe before they go on these missions they should make sure they have enough sleep!!!!! I know my boys have 'white nights,' where they do not sleep for 24 hours, it's unacceptable.
25. Surprised? Just take a bus and see how soldiers behave...
Andre ,   Israel   (30.07.07)
So the world is falling apart. Our military junta it's starting to realize... C'mon folks, the whole local teenager culture orbits around the army. The army radios, the teen shows like HaShir Shel'anu... it's all about the army. All the suddenly the army stopped being something serious and started to be like a teen party where you go to bang as many partners as you can. Take you *sses out of your seats and try to take a bus. You will see soldiers discussing sensitive issues in public or shouting on their mobiles. That without mention their pants are down to half of the ass like they just came out of a 2nd class gangsta videoclip. Sincerely, back in South America, even boyscouts have more discipline than the IDF...
26. #7 The Death of Zionism and Israel
Hani ,   Palestine Vagabond   (30.07.07)
Zionism is dead, along with SA apartheid, the Berlin wall, and countless other injustices in human history. The rigor and energy in your hysterical post should be redirected towards answering the question: How can the 2 communities co-exist? How can there be peace on Earth? The answer is rather simple, when each party accepts that the other is also entitled to live in equity and justice. Perhaps then, there would be hope for a better future for our children.
David ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (30.07.07)
Wasn't it Olmert that said,"We are tired of winning". Isn't Olmert that shows contempt for at least half the population and wants to drive many from their homes? What kind of moral is he showing the troops that he is supposed to be a leader of? What message is he sending when he sends soldiers to beat-up the very young men and women that will soon serve in the army? Olmert has and will have much to answer for before Hashem!! He is the problem!!
28. to 15.
Papsen ,   Hearth   (30.07.07)
Agreed to you comment about what your gut tells you... It can be someone else then a so call "veteran". But the fact that he is probably a 3rd year rotting scum impliced he has been fighting last summer and tok his wounded back home under fire... Even if he is an "hero" from then... He does not deserve to serve anymore in his unit... I dont even bellieve the one who was left behind is very interesting to stay whit in the same compani... The is no name, no expresion in my dictionary who can be use about that "3rd year rotting scum". How can he in the futur look in the yes of his friends?...
29. What discipline? The Army is seriously lacking the basics
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (30.07.07)
I am not saying that the IDF should be turned into a "spit and polish" army like the US Marines or the British Guards although it might not hurt. However, something has to be done about the serious lack of basic discipline. In any army discipline must be tight or a command becomes a debate. This costs lives. We saw this in the last war when a group of senior NCO’s did not take cover and 13 were killed by a Katyusha. When you see the soldiers of other armies, both friend and foe, you cannot resist calling our lot an army of “shlumpers”! Regrettably our soldiers, our children and our pride and joy, are being deprived of good leadership and have taken their cue from the rotten leadership in the country. For those of you who travel by train, the behavior of our soldiers is at best dreadful. Surely, even a soldier should give his seat up for an elderly person or a pregnant woman? This is not the case. They scatter their belongings all over the passageway and one has to climb over bodies and kit bags to get on or off the train. I don't know how many times I have been hit on the head or shoulder by a passing rifle butt or a kit bag. Of course, the word "sorry" does not exist! What would happen in the case of an accident or fire is too horrible to contemplate. When one considers that soldiers, quite justifiably, do not pay for train journeys, one could expect a higher level of behavior. The problem is who sets the example? The PM? The Chief of Staff? Discipline in Israel? The principal of a primary school here in Karmiel once told me that the word “does not exist in her school”.
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